Dr. Furkan Karaloglu

Where and when I was born, in which schools I went to, and what kind of successes I achieved, I think it doesn't matter at all. 
Most of this has been with the exceptional support of my family or community, other than myself,
and that way they could put me perhaps a bit ahead of my peers.
The only thing I can say about myself and even brag about is my belief in good and that good always wins at the end of the day.
This is the only secret that I have been able to realize from the moment I was able to think.
Unfortunately, it took me a while to feel it, it took even longer to see it, but years later to believe it...
It's quite obvious that we are in a big fight and at the end of the day, the good always wins.
At night the struggle starts again and at the end of the day the result is the same. It goes on every day and every night.
We are also fighting our own war in this struggle, the winner of which is clear.
We declare our victory at the end of the day when we succeed in being on the side of the good.
We determine which side we will be on at the end of the day, with the decisions and choices
we make at every moment we breathe and move, and at the same time we strive for the victory of that side.
The more sincere we are for the side we choose, the more effective our decisions and choices will be for the victory. 
So what is good? What is not good? What is the difference between true good and conscientiousness?
My understanding is that if you've paid the price, or are prepared to pay whatever the price is, you may think you're fine.
If you think you are doing a good deed, you should not forget that there will be a cost and you should not be able to complain about it.
Otherwise, this is not a favor, but a loan. The heavier the cost, the better. It is good, good and about to be paid for when necessary.
Expecting a favor in return is not a favor. The reward for goodness is what you feel in your conscience, which I think blurs the idea of ​​goodness a little bit.
Good deeds should be done only for oneself. If this happens, it increases, expands and the ranks become crowded.
As I said, good always wins at the end of the day, our struggle is to be on the right side at the end of the day.

Furkan Karaloğlu, on the other hand, is originally from Rize (like every Black Sea citizen, he is in love with his hometown and village).
He was born in 1985 in Üsküdar/Istanbul.
The father he knows is a judge, his mother is a housewife, and he thinks that one of his two sisters is the victim of choosing the wrong field and department, although he is a true literary genius, although he is a chemistry graduate.
His other sister is a pharmacist and is quite similar to his older brother. She is the uncle of 3 beautiful princesses (they are triplets).
He is married to the most beautiful woman in the world and has the most handsome son in the world. In the near future, another daughter, one of the greatest bounties of God, will be added to her family, which is eagerly awaited.
He started primary school in İzmir/Karaburun, one of the Anatolian cities/towns where he moved every 2-3 years due to his father's profession, and finished in Isparta.
He entered Anatolian High School in the same city and graduated in Istanbul. He came back to İzmir for university, and spent most of his life in İzmir with this education process and primary school years.
Like almost every people from Istanbul, he never liked Izmir.

However, when he came to Ankara for specialization, he knew the value of Izmir and almost put it above Istanbul. 
In Ankara, fate had prepared a rather strange combination for him; his grandmother,
father and he, the three of them stayed in the same house for a while, he was convinced that he could not find a better roommate than
his grandmother during these years, but this did not last long.
He got married by showing an example of impulsive, determined and fast action as a requirement of his Black Sea identity.
He had the opportunity to be an observer in a famous clinic in Europe for a short time.
He made observations as a visiting physician at the aforementioned clinic in Italy for about 3 months and in a hospital in the Netherlands for 2 weeks during this period.
To be frank, even though he is not currently in medical technology and research,
he cannot say that he has gained much in terms of medical practice due to the full competence of our country's physicians in the field of surgery,
but this European visit made significant contributions to his personal development.
After completing his specialization and becoming a specialist, he started to work in a state hospital 
in Ankara with the excuse of his spouse status for compulsory service, and left the state job again two years later.
Afterwards, he continued his duty by giving medical services in various private institutions.
Although his patients loved him very much in these private institutions,
he could not like the administrators very much due to the rigidity of his character, although he could not stand the rascal administrators much.
After all, he realized that it was time to establish his own clinic, albeit a little early.
In June 2019, he started to accept his patients in his office in Çukurambar.
In a short time, he expanded the possibilities of his practice and created an almost complete ENT clinic.
He has determined two main service areas in his clinic, which is currently serving under the name of "KAROS Klinik": "Nose and Facial Aesthetics Surgery and Interventional Applications" and "Vertigo, Tinnitus, Hearing".
In addition to these, it provides services for the diagnosis and treatment of other nasal diseases such as sinusitis,
nasal concha and nasal curvature, snoring-sleep apnea, pediatric ENT diseases, diagnosis and treatment of ear diseases,
and other ENT-related diseases.
He graduated from the faculty about 10 years ago and started his professional life as a 112 physician,
and continues as the executive physician of his own clinic.
In this way, he worked in almost every step of the health service and had the opportunity to get to know the system very well. November 2019