It is a branch that includes ear, nose and throat disorders. Y
ou can apply to our clinic for your general ENT disorders and receive treatment in our clinic.
Especially ear ailments and sinusitis are among the applications we receive the most.

What is fluid collection in the ear? What are the reasons?

As a result of upper respiratory tract infections in winter, some changes in middle ear functions may cause fluid accumulation in the middle ear. 
This accumulation of fluid can cause hearing loss, especially in children.
This condition can also occur in adults, although it is not very common.
As a result of diseases usually experienced in the upper respiratory tract in adults, ear congestion and a feeling of fullness and fluid collection
in the ear can manifest themselves.

What is the treatment for fluid collection in the ear?

First of all, drug treatment is applied. 
The patient is followed for a certain period of time. If the drug treatment does not achieve the expected improvement, a tube is placed in the eardrum.
Surgical operation is performed with local anesthesia in children and adults.
This method prevents the re-accumulation of fluid in the problematic area by allowing the middle ear to breathe.

What is otitis media? What are the symptoms?

Inflammation of the mucous membrane that fills the back of the eardrum is called otitis media. 
The first symptom is intense ear pain. It manifests itself with ear pain after or during an upper respiratory tract infection in children and adults. However, it does not have to be a problem only in the upper respiratory tract. It is a common ailment, especially in winter.

What is the treatment for middle ear inflammation?

If otitis media is detected after the examination performed on the patient's complaint, the treatment is primarily the use of appropriate antibiotics. 
If the otitis media has not progressed too far, follow-up without antibiotics is recommended.
In this case, every other day doctor observation is very important.
If the expected improvement does not occur after these treatments, surgical treatment may be considered.

What is Meniere (inner ear tension)?

Meniere's disease is an important disease that occurs in attacks and causes dizziness. 
In some of the patients, complaints such as hearing loss, ringing and humming are observed along with dizziness.
Since it progresses in attacks, it is important for the patient to start treatment with the first attacks.
It is a chronic disease and there is no chance of complete recovery, it can be kept under control.
Accordingly, treatment options are quite extensive.

Is there an age limit for prominent ear surgery?

For children, it is important why this surgery is performed.

For example, prominent ear surgery should be performed at an early stage for children who will begin to
socialize after the age of 4-5.

How long does it take to spend in the hospital after prominent ear surgery?

Prominent ear surgery is not a serious operation.
The time spent in the hospital for the surgery is between 4-5 hours.
Since the operation will be performed under local anesthesia in adult patients,
the patient can be discharged after he/she starts to feel better.

What kind of process awaits the patient after prominent ear surgery?

A 24/7 ear bandage should be worn for 15 days after prominent ear surgery.
Bandages should be used regularly during this period, especially while asleep,
so that the lying position does not deform the surgical procedures.
At the end of this 15-day period, bandages should be worn only at night for 45 days.
Patients can easily return to their normal life after bandage removal.

Sinusitis - Allergy

Is surgery necessary for the treatment of sinusitis?

Surgery is not necessary for the treatment of sinusitis.

However, if drug treatment does not work or if there is a serious problem, surgical intervention may be recommended.

Why is sinusitis surgery performed?

Sinusitis surgery is not an operation that eliminates sinusitis or aims to prevent patients from having
sinusitis again. Sinus surgery is a surgery aimed at providing comfortable ventilation of sinus cells.
The aim here is to relieve the comfort restriction of sinusitis in daily life.

How does a polyp form in the nose?

Long-term chronic sinusitis problems or genetic predispositions may cause the formation of vesicles,

which we call polyps, in the nasal mucosa in some patients.

How is a nasal polyp treated?

The presence of polyps in the nose can lead to complaints such as severe nasal congestion,

frequent sinusitis, and postnasal drip. It is a disease that must be treated.
The treatment method is initially medical treatment.
Polyps are reduced and controlled with appropriate drugs. However, in some patients, the polyps may be
very large or resistant to drug therapy. In these cases, surgical treatment is recommended.
After surgical treatment, drug therapy should be continued regularly and carefully.

Tinnitus is defined as the perception of sound in the ears or head without external audible stimuli. 
The term tinnitus, which can be translated as tinnitus, derives from the Latin word "tinnire" meaning "to
ring a bell". It would be appropriate to state that this sound can be felt in different tones and features,
and that people can sometimes describe these sounds as a high-pitched sound, hum, the sound of wind or the
working sound of a machine, all of which are defined as "tinnitus". Most of the time, tinnitus affects the
quality of life of people quite negatively, and it is known that disorders such as insomnia, lack of attention,
and irritability worsen the disturbed life comfort caused by tinnitus. Almost 1-2 out of every 5 people with
tinnitus complain of insomnia, anxiety, depression, attention deficit, forgetfulness, and headaches.
When evaluating tinnitus, diseases that may cause it should be investigated first. During this investigation,
examination, auditory (audiological) examinations, balance tests and imaging tests such as CT/MR should be
performed when deemed necessary. If a subjective disorder is detected, it should be treated.
Thus, tinnitus can be treated. This disorder can be easily solved, such as earwax, or it can be encountered
with tunical conditions. Changing or discontinuing a long-term or newly started drug in consultation with the
prescribing physician can sometimes be helpful. Hearing loss can be detected in most patients whose disease
to be treated cannot be detected, and with rehabilitation with a hearing aid, both their hearing loss is
corrected and their tinnitus decreases or disappears. Drug treatments that regulate tissue nutrition can be
recommended for patients without any disease or hearing loss. Unfortunately, the results of these treatments
cannot reach the desired level.

In addition to these, masking (the use of ear devices that produce a certain sound continuously),
psychotherapy, hypnosis and tinnitus habituation therapy are among the treatment methods applied for a long time.

In recent years, with the advancement of biotechnology, the success rates,
which are quite inadequate in the treatment of tinnitus, have increased remarkably.
At this point, it is observed that devices using various methods are at the forefront.

Laser beams and electromagnetic excitations are among the techniques used in the development of these devices.
Unfortunately, these opportunities are far from being easily accessible to patients,
and they are generally available in certain public or private institutions.
In addition, although the reported success rates provide sufficient motivation for their use, there are
professionals who have the opposite opinion. In addition, it is used for the treatment of tinnitus in some cases
with botox properties (muscle contraction problems), which has many uses.

It is reported that success can be achieved with various session regimens lasting approximately 2-2.5 months in
the treatment of tinnitus with laser beam, which has become widespread in recent years.
There is also the option of treatment at home or in the clinic with a laser pen that patients can apply for
20-25 minutes every day.

Another new form of treatment is repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy, which is based on the
principle of restoring or reorganizing the deteriorated neural activity in the brain and auditory pathways with
electromagnetic stimuli. The application takes about 10-15 days, divided into daily sessions.

In addition, it would be appropriate to mention studies that report that musical sound treatments created

specifically for the patient in accordance with the data obtained from the analysis of the patient's
psychological influence and, in connection with this, the analysis of the tinnitus heard, are more effective
in the treatment of tinnitus and higher patient satisfaction with the recently developed computer technologies.

As a result, it is not possible to mention that there is a definitive treatment for tinnitus, and the most
optimistic success rates of the aforementioned treatment methods remain around 70%. However, with the
developing technology, the success of treatment is increasing and it can be easily predicted that tinnitus
will be significantly treatable with the passing of time. Persons with tinnitus complaints should definitely
be examined and necessary medical examinations. Appropriate treatment should be given for the detected diseases,
if a disorder cannot be detected, the patient can apply to experienced centers for the above-mentioned treatment methods.